LHF signed an agreement with Argentina’s Minister of Human Rights

2020-12-30T12:36:28-03:00 30/12/2020|Categorías: Institucional|Etiquetas: , , |

We’re ending the year with some excellent news.

On Monday, December 28th, the Luisa Hairabedian Foundation signed a mutual cooperation agreement with Argentina’s Minister of Human Rights. The cooperation’s objective is to strengthen ties and join efforts in the fight against impunity for the Armenian Genocide, with a view to the ten year anniversary of the sentence of the trial for the right to the truth of the Armenian Genocide to have its anniversary in April 2021. This trial took place during 2001/2011 and ended with a recognition of an Argentinian federal justice court veredict proving the Armenian genocide based on oral testimonies and international documentary evidence.

This strategic agreement with the Argentine State will allow for the enhancement of the Luisa Hairabedian Foundation’s educational, cultural, and academic activities in its mission to prevent genocide and fight against diverse forms of discrimination and hate speech, all too prevalent in this century.

We at the Luisa Hairabedian Foundation are anticipating a 2021 that will allow us to consolidate the achievements we obtained this year. We believe in the importance of creating institutional ties, in this case with the Argentine State, to guarantee the unrestricted defense and promotion of human rights.

We appreciate the efforts of the Secretary of human rights of the Nation, Horacio Pietragalla Corti; of the undersecretary of the Promotion of Human Rights, Natalia Barreiro; of the National Director of Human Rights Training, Gabriela Alegre; and of the Director of the Cultural Center of Memory Haroldo Conti (Centro Cultural Haroldo Conti) Lola Berthet. We are convinced that this first step is part of a joint and diverse path that will allow us to work towards marking the importance of defending human rights through education, cultura, and research.

Pursuing memory, truth, and justice against denial is part of our trajectory as Argentinians and Armenians. It is an endless road, but one that is worth being traveled.

Redressing the events of the past is the only way to forge a future worth living.

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